
Results 975 comments of stuartmorgan

You've checked off a number of checklist items that you have not actually done. I'm marking this as a draft; please mark it as ready for review when you've actually...

> `videoPlayerValue.aspectRatio` returns `1.0` in that case, which is not accurate It's the explicitly documented behavior of the method, so "not accurate" seems arguable here. > Using the current API...

> The root problem here is probably that `isInitialized` should not have been `true` before video sizings have been updated to accurate ones. If there's a bug in the current...

Marking as a draft for now since without answers to the questions above we don't have enough information to proceed with a review; please feel free to mark as ready...

Since this is marked as a draft and hasn't been updated in several months I'm going to close it to clean out our review queue. Please don't hesitate to submit...

Status from triage: still waiting for @ditman to have time to review. Thanks for recreating it here!

Since this is marked as a draft and hasn't been updated in several months I'm going to close it to clean out our review queue. Please don't hesitate to submit...

> > @domesticmouse, how do we deal with the breaking change of the PR? > > Can I just bump the version to the next breaking version, or do you...

@IchordeDionysos Are you still planning on updating this based on the last round of feedback?