
Results 975 comments of stuartmorgan

> try to call this [flutter/flutter#99155 (comment)]( in `onBackgroundServiceStart`. The error message is about ``, which means the Dart registration has successfully run in this scenario.

Alternately you could wrap the Win32 APIs with a DI-able object, and then test that you get the expected calls when you simulate various return values (using a mock version...

Here's a very simple example of that pattern in one of the Windows plugins: - Wrapper [header]( and [real implementation]( - [Test implementation]( and example [test configuration](

> And yes, `create` still needs to be called. There's actually a regression I just found where we're double-calling `create` now for HC in some cases. I'm fixing it as...

Given: > Ok, this was a bit too rushed. Crash is still there even with `controller.create()` line removed. it sounds like the original issue here won't be fixed by my...

> Since we already shipped it and people are starting to remove `create` as a workaround, I'm going to have to handle it internally by dropping duplicate `create`'s, and then...

If it's happening on 3.3, then the double-create issue I fixed was apparently unrelated, so un-assigning. @AAverin Have you tried switching to `initExpensiveAndroidView` as suggested [here]( (Since the crash here...

@bparrishMines @dnfield Same here; still needs tests, but I would appreciate feedback. I have concerns about the fundamentals of the create/resize logic code here for TLHC (i.e., I suspect there...

> This also fixes a 3.0 regression found during manual testing, where `create` is sometimes called multiple times: once by the plugin author, but then again by internal code that...

This still needs widgets tests for the new switching widget, but I think it would be worth reviewing now to see if that approach is in fact what we want...