Siddharth Kshetrapal

Results 93 issues of Siddharth Kshetrapal

Thanks for @JoyceZhu for reporting this bug! #### Reproduction: Open this url in firefox:, it redirects to an empty page. Turns out this happens because `` runs on load...

skip changeset

> [!NOTE] > If we want, we can wait until we figure out the semantics for to find out if we want to render a `` element at all...

patch release

- Part of ### Changelog | Before | After | |--------|--------| | | | ### Rollout strategy - [x] Patch release - [ ] Minor release - [ ]...

patch release
component: SelectPanel
no-breaking-changes: confirmed

There are multiple tests that wrap the rendered component with ThemeProvider: We do not have to do this anymore because [we already wrap all stories in a ThemeProvider in...

size: sand

Running one time unpublish commands

- Fixes - Includes > [!WARNING] > **Possible breaking changes?** > > This PR affects Portals, so all overlays with width:auto would now be able to grow like...

no-breaking-changes: need to test

### The problem: When an html `` is not "open", it has the dimensions of 0px by 0px, which means the anchored position is not able to calculate if the...

component: SelectPanel
no-breaking-changes: need to test

`primer-react/no-system-props` was not checking stories because it did not consider the import to be from `@primer/react` - Fully expecting [a bunch of linting errors]( some of them will be fixed...

skip changeset

```diff - + ```

(Do not merge, see demo in This is a first draft, the implementation is based on running filter functions on generated variables (`tokens-next-private/**/*.css` Example: ```jsx paddingBlock: ({type, name, file})...