Siddharth Kshetrapal

Results 93 issues of Siddharth Kshetrapal

via @dusave on [slack]( Is there a way to stop propagation of Escape when an anchored overlay is open? I just want the anchored overlay to close, but it's also...

size: rock

When an element inside `` is longer than the dialog, it results in a scroll on the dialog which isn't ideal: This can be reproduced in the `Dialog with...

#### Expected Behaviour Chart min and max values should optimise for data values. This was also initially reported in and fixed after that. #### Actual Behaviour There is a...


There are some pages that can/should be public (even for teams) Example: 1. What is this project? 2. How can I join this doc/get an account?


Instead of adding members, it could be easier to let them login with github Access control can still work with orgs. If user is from white listed org, then allow,...


@KyleAMathews Hey, thanks for building typography.js and showing interest in bundlesize I'm having troubling navigating through the repository. Do I add tests to each of the packages? (and as many...

When modifying code on the fly, it would be very useful to have prettier format the code. I'd be happy to solve my own problem if someone can guide on...

Importing the source file does not work right now, I simple get a syntax error because of `import` statements and `jsx` This also open another feature request which is to...


Use case: If there is an error while importing a component, lab shows the error message that React throws. This was the error message that I saw: ``` Invariant Violation:...


When an important error has an error, there is no way to delete that component using the UI until the error is resolved. (modifying `lab.json` file is a workaround that...
