Siddharth Kshetrapal

Results 93 issues of Siddharth Kshetrapal

Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of this project. ![merge advice]( #### Changes included in this PR - Changes to...

Reduce the number of files parsed in each cycle. Read all the files only delete event. Chain events?




Hi 👋 I built bundlesize in June 2017 to solve a problem I had at the time. Since then, it has become pretty popular. Here's are some crazy numbers: -...

Context: We have [$10k of funding from the Chrome Performance Fund]( to support bundlesize's 1.0.0 roadmap After talking to a few folks who have more experience running a funded open...

This changes one test to test if bundlesize accepts config which looks like `--config ../foo.config.js` Modified test 5 ```diff - bundlesize --config config/bundlesize.json') + bundlesize --config ../5/config/bundlesize.json') ```

This will let us show detailed comments instead of just a line!

help wanted

Right now, bundlesize requires a manual configuration with copy-pasting access tokens, which - Prevents some folks from using it (Don't know how to, Don't have access, admins don't allow, etc.)...

from @Haroenv: thing which would make it a lot nicer too is if the comparison would be to the base branch on GitHub (instead of always master), since that way...

feature request