Siddharth Kshetrapal

Results 93 issues of Siddharth Kshetrapal

This is a pretty common issue with bundlesize. See [306#issuecomment-494732986]( This can happen because of a few reasons: - incorrect token was set - token does not have valid permissions...

You'd imagine this was already in place, right? well.

This is an umbrella ☂️ issue for the work to be done on the backend. I wrote the original backend over a few days, it's help together with much duck...

Having insights into why is the library size growing would be really helpful. If the increase can be traced back to the source, it would be great. As @ai puts...

feature request

## Problem As a create-react-app / nexstjs / gatsby user, you don't know the name of the build files ahead of time. You can use bundlesize's glob matching to get...

feature request

## Description 1. Remove `brotli-size` from `dependencies` 2. Add try-catch around `require('brotli-size')` 3. Warn if using brotli option but missing `brotli-size` ## Motivation and Context It turns out the `brotli-size`...

Daniel made a pretty awesome project called [BuildSize](, it has a really good developer experience! Here's a comparison: [BuildSize-vs-bundlesize]( I think we can adopt some of these and make bundlesize...

feature request

Optimise the CSS classes by passing it through a pure hash function


Alternate syntax ✅ No decorators = no extra babel transforms ✅ CSS constructor looks like other class methods ✅ Position independent (don't have to place it right above `render`) ⚠️...
