Siddharth Kshetrapal

Results 93 issues of Siddharth Kshetrapal

Bug: Projects that don't have a `package.json` should not have the 👁 icon to open it. Feature request: Instead of ⏯ for start script, [serve]( as a static site

#### This RFC (request for comments) is to introduce a way for applications to override styles of a cosmos component   ### Problem statement Cosmos takes care of the _design_...

🤔 RFC / Proposal

**Describe the bug** The label folks onto itself when there is too much content inside it. It looks strange and ugly. This might happen on smaller screens. **Expected behavior** >...

🖼️design / ux
🎃 hacktoberfest

**Describe the bug** Forks of the repo can't run all the tests because some of them need API tokens and other secrets to run This is a security measure by...

🛠️ tooling
👮 testing
🎃 hacktoberfest

At the moment Cosmos provides a set of components but lacks a system to organize elements on the screen. In order for the Layout system to be considered "done" we...

☂️ umbrella

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** As we get closer to `1.0.0`, we need to do a lot of refactoring work - which makes our changes...

🤔 RFC / Proposal

Examples: - Make it obvious that `Button` accepts `onClick` - Form accepts `onSubmit` etc.

🖥️api / dx
🤔 needs more info
🙋‍♀️ user-request

The form can also define how the fields will be arranged. More like a form layout component: horizontal, vertical and inline. - [x] Horizontal: to horizontally align the labels and...

👨‍🎨design needed

Accepts cron file instead of crontab.