bundlesize icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bundlesize copied to clipboard

v1.0.0 Roadmap

Open siddharthkp opened this issue 5 years ago β€’ 27 comments

Hi πŸ‘‹

I built bundlesize in June 2017 to solve a problem I had at the time.

Since then, it has become pretty popular. Here's are some crazy numbers:

  • Bundlesize does about 50k builds every week
  • 1.5M builds in it's lifetime (2 years)
  • There are 10.8K public repositories (and unknown number of private repos πŸ€·β€β™€) that have bundlesize as a dependency
  • Used by popular open source libraries like Bootstrap, lighthouse, styled-components, emotion, redux-saga, react-apollo, popper and a bunch more!

But I haven't been doing a good job at maintaining as after I moved projects. I'm really thankful to the ~50 contributors that have been generous with their time in improving bundlesize.

Maintaining an open source project requires consistent effort, not just with adding code, but also code reviews and support. I haven't been able to keep up with the changes in my career.

The Chrome Performance Fund might be able to help with that by paying contributors for their time πŸ‘

There are a few themes that come up in the issues on the regular. Please give a πŸ‘ to the problems you have faced and would like to see solved.

Feel free to create an issue to suggest additions to this roadmap as well

siddharthkp avatar May 22 '19 09:05 siddharthkp

Deeper GitHub integration

Right now, bundlesize requires a manual configuration with copy-pasting access tokens, which

  1. Prevents some folks from using it (Don't know how to, Don't have access, admins don't allow, etc.)
  2. Is very difficult to debug when it doesn't work.

Using GitHub Apps + Checks will solve both of these problems and allow us to use improved UX

Related issues: https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/223 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/203 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/148 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/29

siddharthkp avatar May 22 '19 09:05 siddharthkp

Better configuration

bundlesize started with an array in package.json, this did not scale well πŸ˜…

We now have inconsistent support in package.json and the CLI (used with npx). One of the most popular request is to add a config file.

  1. We can tackle all these problems with a common format over all 3 mediums (most probably using cosmiconfig) published in 0.18.0

  2. On the same theme, better support toolkits where you don't have direct access to the files. Example: create-react-app, nextjs

Related issues: https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/304 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/256 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/225 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/206 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/173 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/162

siddharthkp avatar May 22 '19 09:05 siddharthkp

Better error handling

Because bundlesize uses access token from environment variables, it can fail given any of these scenarios:

  1. Token was not set correctly
  2. Token does't have the correct permissions attached to it
  3. Token expired
  4. Incorrect parameters sent to GitHub for status

All of these scenarios result in a 404: Not Found error or the build hanging in CI which is not helpful. (GitHub returns 404 instead of 401)

We can take care of most of these in the tool itself and give more helpful error messages that can help folks fix their issue.

Related issues: https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/93 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/245 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/280 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/284 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/308

siddharthkp avatar May 22 '19 09:05 siddharthkp

Remove false negatives

Like any software, bundlesize has bugs. The scariest of them is when bundlesize should have failed but does not fail the build.

This stems from returning the wrong flag for a CI environment OR reading the file size incorrectly.

A few tests will take us a long way!

Related issues: https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/188 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/229 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/159 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/281 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/pull/267

siddharthkp avatar May 22 '19 09:05 siddharthkp

Support bundlesize in forks

In every CI system, forks don't get environment variables which makes a lot of sense. This also means bundlesize can't report on pull requests submitted to the source repository. (Basically, every external contribution to an open source project)

I don't have a solution yet, but we might have to think of alternate ways of reporting like comments

Related issues: https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/219

I know @mxstbr and @developit have run into this amongst others

siddharthkp avatar May 22 '19 09:05 siddharthkp

Better reporting

bundlesize does an okay job at reporting when there are multiple files involved.

  1. The messages in GitHub status should be better
  2. Fix the details link when there are too many files

Related issues: https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/182 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/208 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/164 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/pull/285

siddharthkp avatar May 22 '19 09:05 siddharthkp

Make it easier to support more CI environments

Codefresh: https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/236 Teamcity https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/257 Sephamore https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/176 AppVeyor https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/234 GitLab https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/19

siddharthkp avatar May 22 '19 09:05 siddharthkp

Plugin system to extend/tweak core functionality via plugins

Every once in a while there's a feature request (or even a pull request) that makes a lot of sense for the contributor and their team but doesn't sit well in bundlesize core.

Example: Add check for minSize; Warn instead of failing build

It would make a lot of sense if you can intercept bundlesize and use it's output to set the message that fits your need

Related issues: https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/207 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/271 https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/pull/254

siddharthkp avatar May 22 '19 10:05 siddharthkp

Hi collaborators with push access (30!) πŸ‘‹

Please, add a πŸ‘ to the GitHub issue (first thing on top) if you are cool with bundlesize being part of the Chrome Performance Fund

Screenshot 2019-05-22 at 3 31 35 PM

cc train: @SaraVieira @styfle @jagzviruz @destromas1 @montmanu @rahulgandhi @karanjthakkar @ateev @cg-cnu @narendrashetty @reznord @sunilkumarc @yatharthk @vs1682 @chakrihacker @hackerrdave @ankibalyan @samparsky @tohjustin @ForsakenHarmony @hawkins @kuldeepkeshwar @kakadiadarpan @Pancrisp @g3offrey @sreetamdas @kamleshchandnani @palashmon @nitin42 @jkdamilola @haroenv

siddharthkp avatar May 22 '19 10:05 siddharthkp


karanjthakkar avatar May 22 '19 10:05 karanjthakkar

One thing which would make it a lot nicer too is if the comparison would be to the base branch on GitHub (instead of always master), since that way you get a pure diff

Haroenv avatar May 22 '19 10:05 Haroenv

Sometimes you want to compare why something changed, it would be nice to visually diff the two bundles somehow. This could be done by tracking the bundled files in git, but it’s not a nice solution

Haroenv avatar May 22 '19 10:05 Haroenv

Support for Github Enterprise with a pluggable way to store stats. The storage solution can be Remote Server or FileSystem

kuldeepkeshwar avatar May 22 '19 10:05 kuldeepkeshwar

I moved a few projects to https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/travis-size-report as I love the way how they report it. The downsize is that it's bound to travis-ci but it works in forks. Very cool that you're picking this up again.

wardpeet avatar May 22 '19 13:05 wardpeet

@wardpeet that looks really good!

siddharthkp avatar May 22 '19 14:05 siddharthkp

slight correction, preact currently doesn't use it anymore, because it didn't work for pull requests from forks πŸ˜•

ForsakenHarmony avatar May 22 '19 18:05 ForsakenHarmony

@ForsakenHarmony removed πŸ‘

siddharthkp avatar May 23 '19 03:05 siddharthkp

I hope that bundlesize can support GitHub Actions.

updated: in fact, GitHub Actions have been supported.

njzjz avatar May 23 '19 07:05 njzjz

Wanted to make sure this issue didn't get buried: https://github.com/siddharthkp/bundlesize/issues/202

austinpray avatar May 24 '19 16:05 austinpray

Hi πŸ‘‹,

When are we starting on this roadmap, I would like to contribute.

sumit-gupta91 avatar Jun 20 '19 06:06 sumit-gupta91

The Chrome Performance Fund might be able to help with that by paying contributors for their time

I'm happy to share Chrome is donating $10,000 to support bundlesize's 1.0 roadmap πŸŽ‰ We think this project's goals align well with helping reduce the initial bundle size of modern web experiences.

In particular, we're excited to see the project explore the proposed work on:

  1. Deeper GitHub integration - easier installation + new checks UX
  2. Stability through better error handling and removing false negatives
  3. Easier to integrate with tools like create-react-app and Next.js (esp. stoked about this!)

Great work so far, @siddharthkp and team. Big fans of bundlesize. We hope this helps!

~ signed Addy, @stubbornella and @spanicker

addyosmani avatar Jun 24 '19 22:06 addyosmani

Yes yes yes yes yes :tada:

mxstbr avatar Jun 25 '19 06:06 mxstbr

Is there work to be continued with regards to the roadmap? The repository does not seem to be that active :/

raunofreiberg avatar Feb 19 '20 12:02 raunofreiberg


Is there work to be continued with regards to the roadmap?


The repository does not seem to be that active :/

No :(

Soon, though. I promise

siddharthkp avatar Feb 19 '20 13:02 siddharthkp

Any updates on 1.0? Very excited about bundlesize integration with next.js!

alecrae avatar Feb 23 '21 12:02 alecrae

@siddharthkp I hope you enjoyed the 10k πŸ˜†

ggwzrd avatar Mar 30 '22 13:03 ggwzrd

Sigh, I wish I did

Transactions: https://opencollective.com/bundlesize/transactions

siddharthkp avatar Mar 30 '22 14:03 siddharthkp