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Related to #2273. (using commit 19f556177d47f9c78c34b5bdc1dc49131791b181). When using jumpToRegion() with BAI files created by Picard tools or samtools-0.1.7, __getMinFileOffset() return 0 for the file offset, because those indices will contain...


This isn't a common case, but it's worth bringing up as a base-case issue. Passing a single nucleotide to banded global alignment can give spurious alignments. ```c++ #include "seqan/align.h" #include...

It seems mason_simulator crushes if there are >150 contigs in the fasta file. mason_simulator -ir myfasta.fa -n 5000 -o left.fq -or right.fq Error message: MASON SIMULATOR =============== ____INITIALIZING______________________________________________________________ Opening reference...

Is there a biological reason to limit the BND records to be chunk of 6?

Resolve the following issues: - [ ] FindOpenMP does not work with intel compiler toolset. - [x] Win-7, intel compiler 17: Can't find libmmd.dll (supposedly looks in the wrong folder.)...


I have used mason_variator to simulate different types of structural variants. The problem is that I need simulations for inter-chromosomal translocations and indels given two chromosome A and B. For...


First of all, thanks a lot for the superb library! I am working with Hi-C data and there are situations where I am interested in prefixes (suffixes) occuring before/after a...

Hi all, I am testing RazerS3 with my data as it seems to be returning far fewer alignments than expected. I found that with many reads I am getting this...


* [ ] add VS15 (2017) to the nightlies * [ ] keep VS14 (2015), but remove icpc16 * [ ] remove clang/c2 for 32bit as it has never worked...

For the next release we should also more prominently advertise the new homepage. But some issues still remain. - [x] [email protected] on doesn't lead anywhere, make it redirect to...
