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A fully automated gene annotator from RNA-Seq expression data

Results 59 Finder issues
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Hello there Thanks for having developed this tool I'm having the same problem as many but I cannot solve it (I already put this message at the end of an...

I'm having an issue with the pipeline that I can't quite narrow down. Here's what's printed to the screen: `wirenia@wirenia:~/Desktop/2021-04-21_Hanleya_finder$ ./ cat: output/alignments/ No such file or directory cat: output/alignments/


Hello, I was wondering if you could make available on GitHub the GTF files generated by Finder when run on the "example" dataset? Both the "final_GTF_files/ *.gtf" and "assemblies_psiclass_modified/*gtf" files...

We are running finder at the command line. Now we know that the "Required parameters" as in the help file, and if provided in an empty directory do not work,...

Hello, I am currently trying to run finder on three whole genome samples: 1. Sequenced with Illumina HiSeq x ten 2. Sequenced with Illumina Novaseq 6000 3. Sequenced with PacBio...


Hi, I'm trying to run FINDER for a Hawaiian Drosophila genome. However, I got this problem: " FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/storage/pricelab/ngoc/Finder-finder_v1.1.0/silvestris/assemblies_psiclass_modified/combined/combined.gtf' Please let me know...

help wanted

Hello, bellow i post the output of the run with finder pipeline. It looks like some alignment files that should be produced by Finder are not produced, STAR aligner is...


Running the latest run_finder-v1.1.0. Everything runs fine until the codan step (Braker is complete), which finds a duplicate key and kills the pipeline. Looking at the assemblies_psiclass_modified/combined/combined_split_transcripts_with_bad_SJ_redundancy_removed.fasta file for duplicated...

Thank you for making your software available. I have tried to run the example script. I am using an M1 Mac OS 13.2.1. When I run theoneal@MacBook-Pro ~/Finder-finder_v1.1.0 $ run_finder...

Could you please explain how to prepare metadata file and which tool is suggested for soft masking of the genome?
