
Results 281 comments of Rik

@jeffersonlicet this extension is super nice. Maybe this flexibility can be added by exposing a single option in settings to add a custom CSS file to style the screenshots? Or...

I think you could do so with url rewriting in .htaccess or by moving the files itself to a different folder.

Default support for blocks would be super nice. In the mean time, I've set up these tags to recreate similar functionality, maybe it's of help to someone else. ```js module.exports...

@gluecksmensch good one. Previous iteration I stored data in `const layoutblocks = []` but that didn't work ( obviously :D ) forgot to remove. I guess with my templates `page`...

I advise to fork the validate size plugin and adjust it to test a min and max aspect ratio. you get aspect ratio by dividing image width by image height.

this is something I'm picking up in v5 of filepond

Okay, great. I can't investigate this right now. but am working on v5 of FilePond, it should make this easier.

Looking at the `removeFiles` implementation _should_ work, not sure why it doesn't, swamped with work so can't investigate right now

Thanks for posting the solution @dcp3450, appreciate it!