
Results 281 comments of Rik

Thanks! I'm going to look into it.

I think you can use the metadata plugin for this. Or call getFile and then add the metadata. https://pqina.nl/filepond/docs/api/plugins/file-metadata/

I unfortunately don't have the time to do that right now, you can however embed the script on the page (in the template or dynamically when loading your component) and...

Excellent idea. Can you move these outside of the Promise, I guess we can set them before applying the headers. ```js // set type of response if (options.responseType) { xhr.responseType...

We require the issue template to be filled out on all new issues. The issue template helps us collect all the information we need to address your submission efficiently. The...

@michael-ciavattone I have, just haven't gotten around to inspecting it further.

This renders a remove button and edit button. ```js FilePond.registerPlugin( FilePondPluginImageExifOrientation, FilePondPluginImagePreview, FilePondPluginFilePoster, FilePondPluginImageResize, FilePondPluginImageCrop, FilePondPluginFileValidateType, FilePondPluginFileValidateSize, FilePondPluginImageTransform, FilePondPluginImageEdit, FilePondPluginFileEncode ); var pond = FilePond.create(document.querySelector('input'), { server: { load: (src,...

@michael-ciavattone i would copy paste my example and then work from there.

Unfortunately the current version of FilePond isn't reactive to all available properties, I plan to resolve this in the next major version. I'll mark it as an improvement as it's...

This is correct, if the tile is too small the error message currently won't fit, best to scale up the tiles a bit till this has been resolved.