## One line description of pull request implemented ips_parser and ips_parser plugin application_crash_log ## Description: implemented ips_parser and ips_parser plugin application_crash_log **Related issue (if applicable):** fixes # ## Notes: All...
Apple uses .ips files to store files related to application crashes and other types of events. The format is a blend of a JSON object and a YAML object. I...
## One line description of pull request Implemented DateLessLogFormatHelper to retreive a date based on the modified, changed and creation time of a file. ## Description: Implemented DateLessLogFormatHelper to retreive...
## One line description of pull request Created parser for Apple IPS files as well as an IPS parser plugin for recoverylogd-[...].ips files. ## Description: Created parser for Apple IPS...
**Describe the problem:** Some log files do not have the date in their timestamp. This is the case for ps.txt log files in MacOS/iOS for example. I wish to create...
## One line description of pull request The parser handles the Apple biome files (aka SEGB). Two parser plugins are included for application installation and launch. **Related issue (if applicable):**...
## Description: DRAFT: Implemented a text parser plugin for Apple ps.txt files found in sysdiagnose dumps. It uses the DatelessLogHelper **Related issue (if applicable):** fixes4697 ## Notes: All contributions to...
**Describe the problem:** On MacOS and iOS devices, some of the artifacts that could be found in the KnowledgeC database have migrated under the biome folders (/private/var/db/biome and /private/var/mobile/Library/Biome). iLEAP...
## One line description of pull request Implemented SQLite parser plugin for Android's app_usage database. ## Description: ## Notes: All contributions to Plaso undergo [code review](https://github.com/log2timeline/l2tdocs/blob/main/process/Code%20review%20process.asciidoc). This makes sure that...
## One line description of pull request Implemented SQLite parser plugin for android's turbo.db database ## Description: The turbo.db database from Android devices logs the battery level for the device...