Rahul Bhatia
Rahul Bhatia
A repository listing out the potential sources which will help you in preparing for a Data Science/Machine Learning interview. New resources added frequently.
Fetching financial data for technical & fundamental analysis and algorithmic trading from a variety of python packages and sources.
A simple SPA Portfolio template for developer/designers built with React. Use it to showcase your work, testimonials and other information to clients.
The famous and simple Dual Moving Average crossover strategy implemented in Python, and then backtesting it on 2 years of AAPL stock.
Implementation of Joel Greenblatt's magic formula, which he described in his book - "The Little Book That Still Beats the Market".
Using OpenCV to detect Lane Lines on a road, one of the most fundamental concepts for building a Self-Driving car.
Given a 3D point cloud obtained by a LiDAR sensor mounted on a car, output the road properties such as road boundaries, lane markings, lane geometry.
Spatio Temporal DBSCAN algorithm in Python. Useful to cluster spatio-temporal data with irregular time intervals, a prominent example could be GPS trajectories collected using mobile devices.
Twitter Sentiment Analysis using Textblob and Tweepy, wrapped with Flask as a web app.