Jarosław Karwowski

Results 15 comments of Jarosław Karwowski

If I remember correctly `odom` and `base_link` frames are inputs to the algorithm, you have to make sure that your robot/system provides these. I'll try to reupload the bag file...

I'm uploading a few bag files at the moment, check the `readme` page in a few hours. Unfortunately, I encountered an error causing `orb_slam2_ros` node crash after the tracking loss,...

@Rutwik87 which `.launch` file do you use? `raspicam_mono.launch` should give you a good starting point for your specific setup adjustments.

If you are trying to run the package on ROS Melodic then I can't really help as I tested it only on ROS Kinetic. But the problem seems to be...

`ORB_SLAM2` directory does not contain `CMakeLists.txt` file and indeed this is a desired fact. The `CMake Error` you posted is really new to me. First, are you able to find...

I can't reproduce the error. What version of openCV do you have? Or maybe you already fixed this as some time has already passed?

This may help you [commit](https://github.com/rayvburn/gym_ped_sim/commit/b0b8083490560317021ec1230a5e2d6b86f3d1ec) You can also `catkin clean` whole workspace and then try to `catkin build data_collection` package only after adding `message_runtime` to your `package.xml`

Sorry for the late reply. I am not sure, whether you have used the provided build script? It seems that you did not copy the generated `liborb_slam2_lib.so` file to the...

Hello, thank you and sorry for a late reply. It seems that you have launched the system with default parameters, i.e. with [map scale_correction](https://github.com/rayvburn/ORB-SLAM2_ROS/blob/8aa9a718674fe5dffd8e11bcf478ced9b7fca777/ORB_SLAM2/orb_slam2_ros/settings/orb_slam2_param.yaml#L7) enabled, and did not publish any...

Sorry, I have tested the ORB-SLAM with monocular cameras only. Please, create a Pull request with your modified `.launch` file and provide the `.bag` file with your RGBD camera sequence,...