ORB-SLAM2_ROS icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ORB-SLAM2_ROS copied to clipboard

rgbd camera's problem

Open karthyhu opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

hi,i'm very grateful your project,and the part of monocular is working success. but I tried to run RGBD by realsense D435,noticed the launch file realsense_rgbd.launch maybe not complete,so I treide to fix it like

<node pkg="orb_slam2_ros"  type="RGBD"  name="orb_slam2_ros" 
      args="$(find orb_slam2_lib)/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt $(find orb_slam2_ros)/settings/realsense_rgbd.yaml"
      cwd="node"   output="screen">

<rosparam command="load" file="$(find orb_slam2_ros)/settings/orb_slam2_param.yaml" />

    <!-- remap from="/camera/rgb/image_raw" to="/camera/rgb/image_rect_color" / -->
    <!-- remap from="/camera/depth_registered/image_raw" to="/camera/depth_registered/sw_registered/image_rect" / -->
    <remap from="/camera/depth_registered/image_raw" to="/simple_depth_register_node/depth_registered" />

but it still can't work,the odom and robot's TF drift very very hard,how can I solve this? thank you so much.


karthyhu avatar Dec 02 '20 12:12 karthyhu

Sorry, I have tested the ORB-SLAM with monocular cameras only.

Please, create a Pull request with your modified .launch file and provide the .bag file with your RGBD camera sequence, I'll try to debug this issue in a spare time.

rayvburn avatar Dec 15 '20 22:12 rayvburn