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Ruby on Rails

Results 459 rails issues
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### Steps to reproduce This works with load_defaults 6.0 and raises error with load_defaults 7.0 - Build some User - Build some Order with buyer User - Build some OrderItem...

With reproduction steps

### Steps to reproduce 1. Mount an engine in the routes file inside of a namespace (or sub path) 2. Attempt to call a top-level route from the engine's route...

Previously you could only use a block, which was inconsistent with other callback APIs in Rails. Now, you can use a block or a method name. The block API is...


Its Friday, so entirely possible I just need a drink and some sleep. But after upgrading a legacy app to the latest and greatest, I've started to see unexpected validations...

With reproduction steps

### Summary The **read_attribute** method takes attribute_alias into consideration so **_read_attribute** should also do. Fixes https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/45632.


### Summary Adapted from https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/44626 this restarts the Action Cable server on Redis connection failures, **adding tests and a changelog entry**. Closes https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/27659 @treacher @engwan @jorgemanrubia


### Summary ActiveJob serializes `Symbol` `Hash` keys by stringifying them, and storing an array of keys to be symbolized on deserialization as `_aj_symbol_keys`. This means that if a `Hash` has...


In #45476, `ActiveRecord::Base.destroy_association_async_job` was made to accept a string which would be lazily constantized, to avoid loading `ActiveJob::Base` too soon. However, due to the way `class_attribute` values are written, *each...


Relational databases are very powerful. Their power comes from their ability to... - Preserve data integrity with a predefined schema. - Make complex relationships through joins. But sometimes, we can...


### Summary `Forking.run_in_isolation` opens two ends of a pipe. The fork process closes the read end, writes to it, and then terminates (which presumably closes the file descriptors on its...
