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Ruby on Rails

Results 596 rails issues
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### Steps to reproduce 1. Generate a site with `rails new --skip-listen MyWebSite` 2. Within that site, run `rails app:update` ### Expected behavior There should be no changes made. ###...


### Motivation / Background Previously, when upgrading from 6.0 to 6.1, the EventedFileWatcher configuration is always uncommented because --skip-listen is never set during app:update. ### Detail This commit fixes that...


### Motivation / Background This PR makes some improvements to the error-reporting guide introduced in https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/45946 : - Reworks the docs for clarity - Removes some unnecessary content - Adds...


This Pull Request has been created because the dbconsole command is doing too much. It makes it impossible for adapters to configure dbconsole behaviour without patching it in the command...


Currently, `Rails.application.message_verifier(name)` returns a `MessageVerifier` instance using a secret derived from the given `name`. Instances created this way always generate messages using the default options for `MessageVerifier.new`. Also, if there...


### Steps to reproduce Running `db:migrate` in `7.0.2` adds `precision: nil` to datetime columns using postgres (a change from `7.0.1` discussed here https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/43909). After this, one of our spec comparing...


### Motivation / Background attr_readonly prevents attribute changes from being persisted to the database, however it has a downside that this happens silently. ### Detail ReadonlyValidator is an alternative to...


### Motivation / Background Building on the work done in #44576 and #44591, we extend the logic that automatically reconnects borked db connections to take into account a timeout limit....


### Motivation / Background This Pull Request has been created because we use namespaced indices in our database, resulting in indices looking like this: `namespace.index_table_on_column` Trying to use the ActiveRecord...


### Steps to reproduce Create a form with file_field to upload multiple files. ` ` Try to submit this form after selecting a file. Instead of just submitting the file...
