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Ruby on Rails

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### Steps to reproduce 1. Create the file `lib/tasks/test.rake` with the content: ```ruby ENV["test.rake"] = "yes" task :custom_task do ENV["custom_task"] = "yes" end task :test => [:custom_task] ``` 2. Create...

### Summary The purpose is to allow subscribers to handle reconnects by defining a `reconnected()` callback: ```js import consumer from "./consumer" consumer.subscriptions.create("ExampleChannel", { ... reconnected() { // Called when the...


### Steps to reproduce I have a "Sign up" link that has `data-turbo-frame` attribute, when test starts sometimes click is not intercepted by Turbo and nothing happens, but sometimes test...


When passing `nil` to `in_order_of`, the invalid SQL query is generated (because `NULL != NULL`): ```ruby Book.in_order_of(:format, ["hardcover", "ebook", nil]).to_sql ``` ```sql SELECT "books".* FROM "books" WHERE "books"."format" IN ('hardcover',...


I cannot re-open #42849 so I create a new issue… ### Steps to reproduce ```ruby # frozen_string_literal: true require 'bundler/inline' gemfile(true) do source 'https://rubygems.org' git_source(:github) { |repo| "https://github.com/#{repo}.git" } gem...


### Steps to reproduce When `select` is used and the primary key is not selected, the array form of `find` just returns an empty array. ```ruby begin require "bundler/inline" rescue...

attached PR

### Summary [SQLite(3.35.0) release information](https://www.sqlite.org/releaselog/3_35_0.html) The SQLite add support for the RETURNING clause on DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE statements. This PR used this feature, as follows: - `ActiveRecord::InsertAll` support use...


### Steps to reproduce Using postgresql: Generate a new model with one or more columns with default values, and a virtual stored column based on those other columns Create a...


### Summary In `ToSql`, operators that generate the sql for an `Attribute` use `visit(o.left, collector)` This can be seen in `Equality` (and friends), `Case`, `SelectStatement`, and `In`. ### Before `HomogeneousIn`...


### Steps to reproduce In a new Rails & app, try to pin a package from Unpkg CDN: ``` ./bin/importmap pin @walletconnect/[email protected] --from unpkg ``` You get following response: ```...

third party issue