Paul Hvass
Paul Hvass
tool0 needed for the following files: mh5_mesh_macro.xacro sia10d_mesh_macro.xacro sia20d_mesh_macro.xacro
Here is the folder with the correct xacro file from the training supplements: Could use Josiah's URDFs also. They have higher fidelity CAD detail...
Looks like only the sia20d is used in the training material. However, I think we want a tool_0 for all manipulator URDF from here out. So let's add it to...
System currently works as-is. This is a nice-to-have for the current project.
Will assign to Matt West and team.
@woodaaron is this fixed?
Seems related to #152. Should we combine?
Low priority, but nice to have
If there is time.
Hoping to assign to Matt West and team.