Patricio Astudillo
Patricio Astudillo
CPU version of smooth L1 loss layer implemented based on the GPU version. Peer review requested.
**Describe the bug** I have detected an unwanted behaviour on monailabel (and monailabel-weekly). I'm using the deepedit app connected to an orthanc server where there are a number of patients...
Hi @diazandr3s, @dannyrb and @SachidanandAlle, I'm from the healthcare department of Robovision and we have a huge interest in using MONAI Label together with OHIF. Is there a plan to...
When installing hd-bet from github, the requirement file states SimpleITK>=2.0.2 and this (currently) installs SimpleITK This version of SimpleITK fails to open *.nii.gz files. I already mentioned this in...
Dear @FabianIsensee, if I use versions higher than 2.0.2, I receive the following error: ITK only supports orthonormal direction cosines. No orthonormal definition found. This is also mentioned in (