Patricio Astudillo
Patricio Astudillo
Hey Fabian, It is a private dataset from a hospital. However, I don't think it is dataset related. However, I don't want to block updating any versions of SimpleITK but...
@swederik That's good news! I would love to help but my knowledge of the scope of this migration is limited.
Yes, I checked this with @diazandr3s and we came to the conclusion that the dataset did not contain any series without labels. So if there are no 'empty' series initially...
> Hi, Our team at AstraZeneca are also interested in this. We may be able to have a dedicated full-time resource to do the upgrade. In a nutshell, are you...
@mibaumgartner could you take a look at this simple fix please?
Dear @mibaumgartner, Thanks for your response. Looking forward to the next release since I'm experiencing some instability of nnDetection (e.g. multi-fold training needs to be done per fold otherwise there...