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👁‍🗨 Rare and exotic sats

Results 858 ord issues
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Does it successfully sync? How much ram does it need? How much disk does it need? How long does it take to sync?

Pixelated image rendering is great for pixel art, but not great for photos, or JPEGs. Can we avoid using image-rendering pixelated for issues that don't benefit from it?

This will happen automatically once we pull in a version of tower-http with https://github.com/tower-rs/tower-http/pull/325/

Should the rarity color of a sat be displayed on the inscription's page? Maybe only if it's uncommon or better, so it doesn't feel like a dig on inscribing a...

It should be possible to burn inscriptions, to indicate that they can't be traded or transferred. Add a subcommand `ord wallet burn INSCRIPTION_ID` which takes an inscrpition and sends it...
