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Results 858 ord issues
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Just finished my `--index-sats` indexing to do some sat hunting `ord wallet sats` returns an empty list `[]`

Show the number of the inscription as shown on the website when listing inscriptions from the wallet. Planning to work on this.

This doesn't seem to fix the problem, so it's a draft.

I think that there are some inscriptions that are very heavy to load, and slow down fully rendering pages in which they appear. I haven't looked into it too heavily,...

People are publishing YAML and JSON documents as text/plain. Not sure if they should get special treatment (syntax highlighting?) but at least we should recognize the content types so people...

> While indexing, I'm getting errors like " failed to fetch block 705096, retrying in 2s: JSON-RPC error: transport error: HTTP response too short: length 0, needed 12." exactly every...

Track total block space consumed by inscriptions and total miner fees paid so we can display that info on the website and with the `ord info` command. I'm planning to...

Wallet commands should always lock inscriptions

It'd be interesting to see how many hops an inscribed ordinal has travelled since the genesis inscription. MVP: Add tracking to indexing code and print info out when listing inscriptions...

Even just by showing tx hex in the `--dry-run` would be helpful to achieve this. This would avoid an observer of the mempool copying the inscription in another tx and...