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Results 858 ord issues
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Some mad lad finally did it. A [MIDI inscription](https://ordinals.com/inscription/51711bdc00b7359c1f45b9f14bf34d0b2bf0e8173c734135b58045dad2442148i0). Not sure how to support it. Maybe a JS MIDI library, similar to how we render PDFs?

Think I see this sometimes when `ord wallet receive` or maybe other commands, will try to replicate ASAP, sorry I don't have more detail at hand yet.


Often, HTML and SVG inscriptions don't scale correctly when viewed at different sizes. Here's an [example](https://ordinals.com/inscription/12dab11fa0f2162605c016a5b19665f03cdde18539e83a2113a70637875680bei0) where only the corner of the image is visible. We should help users make...

Test it on this inscription: `f0ca46441f430b616e280377dee5d0a6e303db1de4d6f9da2389057f69427a41i0` Also, pardon my autoformatter, I just realized it made some changes to the HTML. Let me know if you'd like that noise removed.

Tested with this inscription: https://ordinals.com/inscription/b21ee1e6b643444c0c88943e175a007d689590e604991cf72c7f29cb472a304di0

I've got the following issue twice on two separate instances: `ord: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by ord)` Has anyone had the same issue? Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS

[ILLICIT NFT ALERT](https://ordinals.com/inscription/2b6421c68f123e6332700133d842e14346cf2bdcda5c660465c4b3ee0f78284ei0) Closes #1350

I accidentally consolidated some of my inscriptions in two transactions when using a command similar to `ord wallet send 12345sat` https://mempool.space/tx/fa0dd811e35cf9aa533171c0f13b4a9b186bc5792f980090566989e2d246f59e https://mempool.space/tx/9da61fb1f6f0a836084da18d39b2887da0665917a0d9f4ad548b3e3320b8f707 At first i thought i had burnt the...

good first issue