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Results 858 ord issues
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For Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and Signal message. (Only Twitter and Discord really matter, but adding a few others to make sure they work on the long tail of other random...

We depend on https://github.com/casey/rust-bitcoincore-rpc/pull/10, but I don't think we ever opened a PR to get it into rust-bitcoincore-rpc. We should open a PR, so we can get off our fork.

When ord or bitcoind are misconfigured, we should print out messages that clearly explain what's wrong and indicate how to fix it. Check and print good error messages for the...

Restarting ord after deploying is very slow.

Should we support markdown? Either users compile markdown to HTML, or we render md inscriptions in JS or on the server to HTML. Would be clean and compact to support...

- [ ] Make it possible to print the contents of the content type table using `ord`. Since this is generated from the source, it will always be up to...

We probably need to support [range requests](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Range_requests) for requests for /content

Depends on #1333. - Allow adding data to be included in the OP_RETURN - Display that data on an inscription page if it's been burned. Possibly in the address field,...