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Results 858 ord issues
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- Total size of all inscriptions - Total fees paid by all inscriptions We can put this on /status. We can also put block height, other info there.

Requires #1082. Could make super efficient meme generators which use already published images combined with text.

Should we support off-chain content? Pros: - Cheaper to make inscriptions - Possible to link to very large content Cons: - Increases confusion for users. Some inscriptions would have content...

- Use fewer HTML templates, so that responses don't change from request to request. - Allow user to cache responses for a few hours.

We can use IP locations from cloudflare to figure out where to place the origin server closest to users.

- Make sure everything is working - Turn on proxying - Configure options to improve performance

My locally installed version of chrome is not caching ordinals.com. Chromium works. Fix this so I can debug site caching. Reported in https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1410577, I think this is a chrome issue.

Someone was looking in the block explorer for witnesses and couldn't find them. We should give some indication of witness sizes on transactions. I'm not sure if we should actually...