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Results 858 ord issues
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Hey, I was playing around, writing a parser for inscriptions. According to [the docs](https://docs.ordinals.com/inscriptions.html) I should find: ``` OP_FALSE OP_IF OP_PUSH "ord" OP_1 OP_PUSH "text/plain;charset=utf-8" OP_0 OP_PUSH "Hello, world!" OP_ENDIF...

I read [here](https://github.com/programatik29/axum-server/issues/29) that turning on TCP keepalive might fix this. ``` rror: Too many open files (os error 24) Jan 28 19:31:36 ordinals.com ord[1607021]: [2023-01-28T19:31:36Z ERROR hyper::server::tcp] accept error:...

I've been seeing some mis-sized text inscriptions on mobile. This could be because the JS runs before the CSS is applied loaded. I've also seen text inscriptions on iOS Safari...

I'm not sure how to do this. We'd need to get UTXO set values when we hit inscriptions. Maybe we only need UTXO values for transactions that contain inscriptions, in...

There's a typo in the title: "Digital Aritacts" instead of "Digital Artifacts":

- if text inscription add the text

HTML and SVG inscriptions should be able to access: - Current chain height - Block hash at particular height - Sat the inscription is on, etc This is probably something...

According to an ask in the Discord, ord uses a cookie for RPC authentication. Please support `rpc_user` and `rpc_pass` to enable easier (non-tech friendly) remote connections to bitcoin core.

When the page is narrow, there's a lot of wasted space in the nav bar. Use a grid or flex layout to solve this.

For value fields, I'm thinking about something like: ``` 6 40 814 660 ``` Following the satcomma standard. - Copying and pasting shouldn't copy the spaces.