Nicolas Gryman

Results 76 comments of Nicolas Gryman

I created this project based on your resources: If I could drop the need of a server it would be awesome 🎉

For those having `sqlx` as one of the dependencies, downgrading to `0.5.7` worked for me. `sqlx@^0.5.8` requires `indexmap@^1.7.0`, which makes it impossible to pin it to `~1.6.2` as suggested above.

@PaperStrike Thanks for testing this out! I should have mentioned that but I changed Brotli's compression quality in the new version. It explains the differences. Node.js defaults it to the...

Hey @styfle, thanks for the heads up, I appreciate it. I already have the pro plan, but unfortunately, I'm reaching the Execution quota. I'm consuming 2 × 100 GB-Hours which...

@PaperStrike Oh good catch for the headers. My example with `unpkg` is probably not the best then 😅 I'll keep the current settings for now and if folks complain about...

@rauchg Oh cool 🎉 I guess I'll ask directly, could this project be eligible for your OSS sponsorship? If so, I can port this PR to use the Vercel Rust...

Oh wow, thank you so much guys! That's just awesome 🎉

Hey @PaperStrike, thanks for the PR 🙌 I'm currently moving house, hence the delay in my answer, sorry about that. I would need to think about the implications of dropping...

👋 Sorry for the lack of news. Just a heads up that I've started a Rust implementation in the [#rust](/ngryman/badge-size/tree/rust) branch. It should improve a bunch of things. It's not...