Nicolas Gryman

Results 76 comments of Nicolas Gryman

Alright, I have the Rust version running. Could you take a look at If everything goes well, I expect to push it to production by EOW. Thanks!

Sorry for the late response. This will be fixed as soon as the new version is deployed. If you want to try it 👉

That's weird, do you mind confirming you have the `1.1.3` version? ![](

Sorry for the late answer. I just published `1.2.0` with the latest changes on `master`. Let me know if it's 👍

Got it, thanks for the quick feedback. I'll take a look then and try to publish a new version before EOW.

Sorry for the very late answer. Moving cities takes more energy than I thought 😅 Ok, so it seems CodeSandbox has two other themes that this extension is not providing:...

The goal is to be able to fetch data from properties we don't know the nature of. Using `objectPath.method` involves that you know it will be a `function`. I'm proposing...

Oh I forgot to illustrate your example, it would roughly be something like this: ``` javascript objectPath.method = function(obj, path, args){ var fn = objectPath.get(obj, path); var ctx = (path.length...

It does not seem to fallback on `tern-config.json` for some reason. This does not enable module loading for example: ![image]( However it does if put in a `.tern-project` file. Am...

For what it's worth, I think `tern-config.json` does not offer the possibility to activate default plugins, but only configure their default behavior. A `.tern-project` file seems to be mandatory. @tststs...