Nicolas Gryman

Results 76 comments of Nicolas Gryman

@Rich-Harris sempai, do you think it would be something achievable? > [Context](

@Rich-Harris Thanks for your quick feedback 🎉 Given my limited knowledge of `rollup` plugin API I feel that would allow to resolve this issue. @differui What do you think?

@pawel-kontakt You have to use `sass @import` for `sass` related stuff (`variables`, `mixins`, ...). You only use JavaScript `import` for outputed CSS. **scss/components.scss** ``` @import 'variables'; // ... ``` **index.js**...

@differui Yes true forgot about that.

Hey @paulogr, apologies for the delay. This is a great idea! I just published a pre-release with literal strings support: [v0.2.0-0]( Could you test it and let me know if...

Hey @stoplion, Sorry for the very late answer 😅. I'm not sure I understand the question. It seems that your code snippet already selectively returns either `args` or `content`. Are...

Hey guys, are you planning to merge this in a near future? Thanks!

Linking my humble implementation of a grid system, if someone finds it useful: @kasper if you are interested I could work on bringing this to Phoenix's core library.

@kasper Alright, I'll try to find some spare time to open a PR. Meanwhile @arzg you can almost copy/paste my implementation.

Hi, I'm experiencing the same problem, I use heavy styles and transitions. And on a wide TV screen, it's choppy. I think it would be handy to be able to...