Nicolas Gryman

Results 76 comments of Nicolas Gryman

@yoshuawuyts What do you think about the last proposed solution of @fczuardi? I think it's a good compromise for only a small change.

How about providing a link to stackblitz in the README with various text examples? Here's an example from another PR:

@arpitBhalla That'd be awesome!

I also vote for the Serde-like attribute as it'd be non-breaking and intuitive. Most Rust developers know Serde's macros and would feel at home with a similar attribute for `wasm-bindgen`....

I confirm, even one year later :)

Same thing happening here. The error mentions `macOS 10.14 or newer`, I'm on `12.6.5`.

Hey, IMHO, a mention in the README would ok as it would point to a direct alternative to `gulp-browserify`.

@chocolateboy I didn't say that, but changing name would involve passing by @deepak1556 each time I want to publish on `npm`, confusion with old links pointing to this repo and...

Hey @KenEucker, I'm the author of `gulp-bro`. I've got a pretty limited time to allocate to it but if it's only giving some fresh air to dependencies and tweak the...

Could you post a [jsfiddle]( that reproduces the issue so I am sure to understand your bug correctly? Thanks!