gazebo_domain_randomization copied to clipboard
Domain randomization for gazebo simulator
Gazebo Domain Randomization
Double pendulum demo
Shadow hand demo
roslaunch gazebo_domain_randomizer demo.launch
If you want to randomize with external trigger, execute with the following option.
roslaunch gazebo_domain_randomizer demo.launch event_mode:='trigger'
And please execute the following command on another console.
rostopic pub /randomizers/randomizer/trigger std_msgs/Empty "{}" -r 1.0
To use the randamizers, you need to make the following two settings.
- For physics parameters randomization, set physics_plugin (WorldPlugin) in the world file.
<sdf version="1.6">
<world name="default">
<plugin name="physics_plugin" filename=""/>
- For visual randomization, you need to load scene_plugin (SystemPlugin) for gzclient. Therefore, please use the gzclient script in gazebo_domain_randomizer package. It configures to load the system plugin in the script.
<include file="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch">
<arg name="gui" value="false" />
<node name="gazebo_gui" pkg="gazebo_domain_randomizer" type="gzclient" respawn="false" output="screen" />
Node name | Randomized parameter |
light_randomizer | - light color - attenuation |
shape_randomizer | - shape(sphere, box, cylinder) - shape color - position(x, y, z) |
sky_randomizer | - time of day |
physics properties randomizer | - gravity(x, y, z) |
link_properties_randomizer | - link mass |
joint_properties_randomizer | - joint damping |
link_visual_properties_randomizer | - link color |
surface_params_randomizer | - link mu1, mu2, mu_torsion - link poisson ratio |