Teju Nareddy

Results 81 comments of Teju Nareddy

Here's a nice document on how to build an options page for a chrome extension: https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/options

Go for it! Let me know if you need further clarifications.

Hi, glad you're interested! I just double checked, and both sites work for me. It should look something like this: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11142171/42610634-580834b4-8547-11e8-96f1-d0c084f8f520.png) I haven't seen anyone else with this issue, so...

Nope, those should be loaded automatically when the extension runs. Currently, it loads those directly from [this url](https://tejunareddy.com/discover-rewards-notifier/cashbacks.json). Is it possible the network you are on is blocking requests to...

Oh interesting, yeah I missed that. I wonder why it happened, but I guess it's hard to reproduce. But yay, it works :)

Go ahead! Let me know if the instructions in the README are unclear. If you don't have a Discover account and need the original data, let me know! The final...

Sounds good! Let me know if you have any questions. I'm a little busy this week but I'd be glad to clarify anything that is unclear. You can view some...

Thanks, that works! I'll take a look at it soon

See #70 for another example of bad title matching. In #70's case, we were not strict enough and were matching anything, even if it wasn't a full word.

Go ahead! Let me know if you have any questions