Teju Nareddy

Results 83 comments of Teju Nareddy

Hi Julius, `--rollout_strategy=managed` tells ESP / ESPv2 to download the service configuration directly from the Service Management API. You should not set this flag if using config maps. For the...

I suggest opening an issue with Google Cloud Support for the project that is experiencing this issue. The endpoints portal is functionally fine for our test projects, so it could...

https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/esp-v2/pull/703 should fix it?

My 2 cents: The goal of a ESPv2 (and API Proxies in general) is to reduce complexity in your API backend. You move common functionality (admission control, rate limiting, observability,...

I see your confusion, you are mixing up the authentication provided by Cloud Endpoints vs the authentication provided by Cloud Run (when you deploy with `--no-allow-unauthenticated`). You configured ESPv2 to...

No, we do not support this currently. It's difficult since Envoy uses xDS API to receive the config from config manager. We have tried to support file-based configs in the...