Teju Nareddy

Results 31 issues of Teju Nareddy

** See the linked milestone for more details on this feature ** We need to create a settings page for users to enable the opt-in, **popup notification** feature. On the...

good first issue

Currently, we have 2 different ways of matching sites to discover deals or cashback rewards: - **URL Matching:** (High Confidence) We check if any deals or cashbacks urls match the...

good first issue

The raw deals data file ([/data/deal/raw.html](https://github.com/nareddyt/discover-rewards-notifier/blob/master/data/deal/raw.html)) need to be manually modified a little before the [/tools/dataProcessor.js](https://github.com/nareddyt/discover-rewards-notifier/blob/master/tools/dataProcessor.js) can be run. As described in steps 8-10 in [/data/README.md](https://github.com/nareddyt/discover-rewards-notifier/blob/master/data/README.md), a few lines of...

good first issue

In `data/deals.json`, some objects contain an expiry date. We can check this expiry date against the current date to infer when our data is stale, signalling that we **MUST** update...

good first issue

In #66, we introduced a new way to determine which offers should appear on a webpage. Specifically, we now fallback to checking the title of the tab and trying to...

help wanted
good first issue

Fail a CircleCI build when a file has a syntax error. We should check all of the following file types: - .js - .json - .html - .css The most...

good first issue

We need a UI for our **popup notifications** milestone. For example, the Popup Blocked chrome extension shows this popup whenever it blocked ads on a page: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/11142171/39668519-ba8069f6-5084-11e8-8ada-1783fd0ad242.png) We would need...

help wanted
good first issue

Feel free to brainstorm any improvements to the existing UI. I'm not the best at UI so this was the best I could come up with :) Ideally, the improvements...

help wanted
good first issue

Currently, the developers of this extension have no insight into whether our users are running into any errors while using the extension. We would like to collect `events` and `metrics`...


The background.js code in `/src` should be split up into separate scripts. This will help increase modularity and readability. Furthermore, we should fix all the `use-before-define` errors in the codebase....
