Teju Nareddy

Results 83 comments of Teju Nareddy

Huh, that seems feasible. @sgammon do you have a concrete use-case that requires custom envoy config support? Or is this a theoretical question?

(Ignore the referenced issues above, it's a misclick) Thanks, I tested this out, Cloud Run seems to add these headers for each instance. I'll file a bug internally with the...

Friendly ping, this issue is still occuring

Just to clarify, you are talking about [access logs](https://cloud.google.com/endpoints/docs/openapi/monitoring-your-api#logs) generated per request/response to ESPv2, right? If you want to prevent the access logs from being generated in the first place,...

I see, you are looking at a different set of access logs. ESPv2 generates access logs to Cloud Endpoints with some rich information per request. You can view them by...

Ok, so you are viewing logs for your GKE container. https://cloud.google.com/stackdriver/docs/solutions/gke/using-logs#resource_types Unfortunately, I am not aware of any way to disable this kubernetes logging. It really has nothing to do...

Hi, not from our end. As mentioned in my previous comments, the logs you are viewing are GKE access logs, not Cloud Endpoints logs. You should reach out to the...

Yes, looking at the logs resource labels, it does indeed look like it's coming from ESPv2 container ``` "resource": { "type": "k8s_container", "labels": { "project_id": "cargamos-kubernetes", "pod_name": "cloud-endpoints-esp-6cd8885cfb-vtcjt", "container_name": "esp",...

You are correct @TheSpy. It is because we have two separate project IDs - tracing project ID and deployment project ID. Trace property is filled into access log here: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/esp-v2/blob/f71267f79d229e9bf8139125f2ebb467d41feb94/src/api_proxy/service_control/request_builder.cc#L834...