
Results 10 issues of mandelyoni

Dear Sir, Are you planning to add a fisheye camera model (e.g., Kanaala-Brandt model)? Can you advise the best approach? Thank you !!

Hi Lennart, how are you? Is there an easy way to extract a point cloud from the saved map? Thanks !!

Hello, My name is Yoni. We're researching the topic of fusion of SLAM and IMU. I encountered your work on ORB-YGZ-SLAM, and I wondered: 1. Is the implementation of SVO...

Dear Dr. Whoenig, In swarm_external_position_vrpn.launch, all the drones use the same publisher: Isn't this a problem, since only one topic/drone appears within this file? Thank you, yoni

Dear Dr. Whoenig, We're working with an Optitrack and crazy flies (with your library crazyflie_ros). While observing the optitrack's pose estimation, through ''rostopic echo /crazyflie8/vrpn_client_node/crazyflie8/pose'', we definitely identify a delay....

Dear Wolfgang, We're masters students from TAU university. We have been working with your great crazyflie_ros library for quite some time now on a VM (from Bitcraze) and an Optitrack...

For some reason I'm not able to add a new tf broadcaster to msf_sensormanagerROS.h Any Advice? Thanks, Yoni

Thank you for this great repo !! In this Youtube , at minute 2:29 , you demonstrate running VINS-Mono on the reconstructed video. Can you please share the synced...

Hi Antonio, We're following your instructions, and when building dronet_control, we get the following: yoni@yoni-ThinkPad-E470:~/bebop_ws/dronet/dronet_control$ catkin build --this -------------------------------------------------------- Profile: default Extending: [cached] /opt/ros/kinetic Workspace: /home/yoni/bebop_ws -------------------------------------------------------- Source Space: [exists]...

Hi, Which CPU Board is recommended to attach to the Bebop drone for running the net? If available, please share a link. Thank you.