Jakub Glowacz
Jakub Glowacz
Hi, I'm trying to integrate ROS with YOLO, and I want to be able to play the darknet_ros/detection_image topic from bag and visualise it. The problem is that when I...
Hello, I would like to create SLAM from 2 pointcloud topics. How could I do it? In my case I have 2 lidars and 2 topics which are published with...
Hi, I would like to perform localization of a lidar which is moving in a space, which is also recorded as a pcl pointcloud. I checked the big config file...
Hello, I have an issue whe running `rosrun lidar_camera_calibration calibre_camera_lidar.py --calibrate`. The 2D calibration windows open, but the 3D windows doesn't. The traceback looks like this: > /home/kuba/catkin_ws/src/lidar_camera_calibration/scripts/calibrate_camera_lidar.py:238: RuntimeWarning: invalid...
Hello, Is it possible to somehow record the trajectory of the localized poses? Regards
Hello, I tried to initialize the localization node from your repository. I added a pcl pointcloud and the node visualizes it correctly in rviz. However, when I play my recorded...
Hello, First of all, really good job on the Carla-gym bridge, it is very useful. I am working on autonomous parking with DRL so I am trying to spawn the...
Hello, I would like to ask if there is a docker image dedicated for this repo? It seems impossible to make all of the packages work with each other as...
Hello, is it possible to visualise the loss plot of the encoder-decoder? I am new to jax so not sure how to do it. Regards
Hello, I'm trying to test the cnn laser machine listener with realtime predictor from this repository. When I execute the command: > python realtime_predictor.py -pb apps/cnn-laser-machine-listener/cnn-model-laser-machine-listener.pb The following error occurs:...