Jakub Glowacz

Results 5 comments of Jakub Glowacz

Thank you very much! So that means I could specify the poitcloud filename, and then specify the topic of the live pointclud here: https://github.com/carlosmccosta/dynamic_robot_localization/blob/edcbde5ccf9b8cef4256a7651d523a2751e2a8c4/launch/dynamic_robot_localization_system.launch#L133 and the script will predict my...

Thank you for the detailed response! I have one more question, how do I visualise the estimated localization in rviz?

Hi, I tried the localization node, but I'm not able to visualise the ambient pointcloud nor the localization pose. What the fixed frame should be? In my `ambient_pointcloud_topic` the default...

I stll have problems with this configuration. I used the [dynamic_robot_localization_system_6dof.launch](https://github.com/carlosmccosta/dynamic_robot_localization/blob/noetic-devel/launch/dynamic_robot_localization_system_6dof.launch) file as you recommended, and changed `base_link` to `rslidar`. But now the topics don't publish any messages. In my...

Sure, thanks!