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Cannot open darknet_ros/detection_image in rqt_image_viewer
Hi, I'm trying to integrate ROS with YOLO, and I want to be able to play the darknet_ros/detection_image topic from bag and visualise it. The problem is that when I open rqt_image_viewer and select this topic, some artefacts are visible. I tried to change formats in YoloObjectDetector.cpp but it didn't help. I'm using yolo_v4.launch to initialize. What can I do to resolve the issue? Maybe I'm using the wrong visualiser (rqt_image_viewer)? I can also add that when I launch the file, YOLO window displays correctly and detect objects. I would be grateful for any help.
Same issue. The images cannot be visualized by rqt_image_viewer when I set 'enable_opencv' to false. But works fine when opencv window displayed.
Same issue here. Getting these strange artifacts when launching the yolo_v3.launch
Tried alsoin RVIZ and same issue. Any ideas? Is there something wrong:
bool YoloObjectDetector::publishDetectionImage(const cv::Mat& detectionImage) { if (detectionImagePublisher_.getNumSubscribers() < 1) return false; cv_bridge::CvImage cvImage; cvImage.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); cvImage.header.frame_id = "detection_image"; cvImage.encoding = sensor_msgs::image_encodings::BGR8; cvImage.image = detectionImage; detectionImagePublisher_.publish(*cvImage.toImageMsg()); ROS_DEBUG("Detection image has been published."); return true; }
Same issue here!
I use rviz and just have a frozen image from my camera with no bounding boxes.
me too
me too,Did you solve the problem?
mee to, did you know how to solve the problem?
mee to, did you know how to solve the problem?
Just disable the darknet's UI. Then it will be OK.
how do i do it?
how do i do it?
in config/ros.yaml
enable_opencv: true wait_key_delay: 1 enable_console_output: true`
set enable_opencv=false