Based on the previous test, the harmonisation pipeline can finish 400 studies per day, however, when we ran the harmonisation pipeline using the spotbot account, 400 studies took more than...
We need to create an online documentation/ tutorial about how to use gwas-sumstat-tools, so that both internal and external users can read and use gwas-sumstat-tools using CLI or UI. When...
To make it more convenient for users who have generated their results using popular tools, we should provide pre-prepared configuration files that they can directly apply to their data. -...
Improve the UI design based on curators' feedback to https://ebispot.github.io/gwas-sumstat-format-was/
- [ ] Create a new repository on the github to store UI/webassembly Files - [ ] Active the button of generating the configure file - [ ] Active the...
User story: As a user who wants to format my GWAS analysis output into a ready-to-submit format to the GWAS catalog, I want to click several buttons to get the...
Yue followed Karatug's script to run the harmonisation pipeline on LSF and Slurm. She found the LSF pipeline used GCST90293086's unmapped file to generate GCST90293085's harmonisation log file. All other...
The queueing table (hq.db) we are using includes the information about: GCST - format - harmonisation status - in prog status - priority Based on this, we want to have...
MVP data: [MVP](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/gap/cgi-bin/study.cgi?study_id=phs002453.v1.p1) is an ongoing prospective cohort study and mega‐biobank in the Department of Veterans Affairs Healthcare System designed to study genetic influences on health and disease among veterans....
`genome_assembly` and `file_type` are crucial fields for the harmonisation pipeline. While they are defined as mandatory in the current YAML file, they allow an empty string as the value, which...