
Results 28 comments of jiyue1214

Dear @zhanxw, I am enjoying using the rvtest for my analysis. I found the permutation question has been posted in 2018. After I tried rvtests/2.1.0, I found permutation still cannot...

Currently, I have a UI interface to allow users to: 1. select an input file from the local folder, 2. generate configure file (scripts are gwas-sumstat-tool) 3. test the configure...

Problems solved and ready to collect some suggestions from curators.

UI is available here: https://ebispot.github.io/gwas-sumstat-format-was/ This ticket can be closed and a new ticket on improving UI based on the curators' suggestion has been created

1. I run 400 studies for harmonisation using the `gwas_lsf` on the Slurm and monitored by nf.tower (workid:4p1vpx9kkebn9q) 2. I message ITSC for suggestions on how to alloc jobs.#REQ0019119 3....

Strategy 1: Current Strategy: Using the `gwas_lsf` account, I can harmonise 400 studies in 2 days. Strategy 1: Reserve 48-96 CPUs and memory to run the whole job as a...

Issue: In running.log, we have a higher percentage of sites that are carried forward. Primary investigation: `Percentage of sites that are carried forward = Carried forward variants / ( Carried...

I rerun the pipeline with the intermediate files and found: 1. Their intermediate files are the same (md5sum of two unmapped files are identical) 2. I can repeat the slight...

I confirm the Slurm result is correct. We can close this ticket. For the reason causing the problem on LSF (the Harmonisation result is correct, only the unmapped file did...

1. All scripts are ready and will start to run today via crontab 2. A small action is that I will active scrontab instead of crontab based on the [ITSC...