
Results 113 comments of Jin

I wouldn't use `linear` as the benchmark. It's not representative of most projects, and doesn't exploit the parallelism of both build systems. I'd suggest trying out connected or big_connected.

Please feel free to open PRs to add these new rules.

@johnynek feel free to assign this to me, thanks!

Made some progress here, but currently stalled due to other work: https://github.com/jin/bazel-deps/commit/ca00e226df2c74d5b515ea45c611ad5abb0e3fde#diff-ba7bf4242651f01e4c2b3dd54e4c3bbbR38

@Monnoroch sorry, no - did not manage to make any progress.

I think a simple monthly release is good enough for now.

I may be misreading, but this PR doesn't include the packaging decoder, correct?

Since the[ bazel-deps resolver assumes everything to be JARs](https://github.com/johnynek/bazel-deps/blob/4a019923748e9bf10169045d84837005f3523fc5/src/scala/com/github/johnynek/bazel_deps/Resolver.scala#L106), and Google Maven hosts mostly AARs, this can't work as-is. Also see https://github.com/johnynek/bazel-deps/issues/119

Have you tried using a `cc_import` rule on the .so file, and creating a `cc_library` from that `cc_import` target? https://docs.bazel.build/versions/master/be/c-cpp.html#cc_import