Jakob Rosenberg

Results 72 comments of Jakob Rosenberg

I'd love a react/riot-like approach for Meteor. React feels too big and riot doesn't like Meteor much. If you could make something similar, Jade would be the cherry on top....

To each their own. I personally feel components are often too scattered throughout Meteor. postPublish.js, postSubscribe.js, postCollection.js, postMethods.js, postsList.js, postsList.html, postsList.css, postView.js, postView.html, postView.css, etc. etc. I prefer separation of...

3 for me. 1. It keeps everything synchronous 2. It doesn't complicate anything for those who don't need relations 3. It simplifies and solves relational permissions 4. ref's could sort...

I haven't seen the repo in question, but it sounds like this bug. https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte/issues/3685 If that's what we're looking at, the easiest fix would be adding a local directive to...

That was swift, so excuse my late reply. I've been trying to `npm install` to no avail. Countless compile errors. I'll try cloning a fresh copy and see what errors...

``` PS C:\Users\jakob\www\kitchensink\telepati> git clone https://github.com/telepat-io/telepat-api.git Cloning into 'telepat-api'... remote: Counting objects: 2528, done. Receiving objects: 100% (2528/2528), 525.51 KiB | 426.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 48% (801/1664) Resolving deltas:...

I'll try remove some of the binary dependencies from the global dir and see if that helps.

Was finally able to run `npm install` without getting the dreaded node-gyp errors. ``` PS C:\Users\jakob\www\kitchensink\telepati\telepat-api> npm install npm WARN optional Skipping failed optional dependency /telepat-models/node-syslog: npm WARN notsup Not...

Thanks. I'll give it a try. By the way, you might want to look at your npm start script and bin/www file if you're planning to support Windows.

Sorry about the slow reply @Ertego . I much agree. I'll add it to our todo list... unless you're interested in submitting a PR. 😇 ```javascript const assert from 'assert'...