Jakob Rosenberg

Results 72 comments of Jakob Rosenberg

@krishnaTORQUE can I ask how you fixed the issue?

My bad. I mean how did you fix the code in the codebase? Did you find a way to provide props for the end-user of the library without requiring them...

I found a work around by creating a `.cjs` file to handle the dynamic imports. Alas it struggles to import ESM files if the imported file doesn't have a `.mjs`...

This sounds like something we should be able to fix. As a temporary workaround, you can use ``. Just out of curiosity, is there a reason you keep your half...

Thanks for spotting this. It seems there's something missing in the description.

IIRC the behavior is the same as described here. https://v3.ci.routify.dev/docs#guide/introduction/parameters

That sounds like a bug. Can you create a minimal reproducible?

@gianmarco27 I'm not sure I follow. Could you give me a step by step of what you're doing, what's happening and what you're expecting?

I would have expected that to work. Are you using Routify 2?

I thought this was already supported. Are you using R2 or R3?