Jakob Rosenberg

Results 72 comments of Jakob Rosenberg

I have found the issue behind this. The types are automatically generated on build, but the type for beforeUrlChange was added manually in the generated definition file. I'll try to...

Thanks for the feedbcak @divStar The div wrappers are work in progress. It's one of the last things that need to be solved before going to rc. They're required for...

Thank you @yus-ham ! EDIT: if you prefix the commit with `fix: `, eg.: `fix: add caret button to dev helper`, a new release will automatically be created when your...

Hi @ryeshrimp. Are you using Routify 2 or 3? I take it that you're trying to do [this](https://example.routify.dev/example/modal/basic), but without the modal address getting pushed to the navigation history.

I could create a small plugin to handle this. Main question is the syntax since we have the following variables: - when: `always`, `proximity` and `hover`. (proximity would preload the...

There's a new prefetch feature that might solve this. ```html 1 2 ``` The documentation is in the pipeline. Let me know if this works for you. 🙂

@kevincox the new feature is for Routify 3. https://v3.routify.dev/

`1.1.6` is out. Please let me know if this is still an issue.

Thank you so much for this.

Thanks again for the PR. I'm thinking this should probably be an integration test rather than E2E. I don't know if this is something you want to try. If not,...