Jakob Rosenberg

Results 72 comments of Jakob Rosenberg

@GazHank that sounds great! I'll be happy to give you feedback tomorrow.

@GazHank is this the branch you mentioned? https://github.com/GazHank/node-serialport/tree/napi

This feels like driving on the opposite side of the road. The theoretical advantages may be irrefutable, but if only some people do it, it'll still cause more harm than...

Much of this seems to be achievable with one or more hook. It would be a hack compared to making the changes to the service library, but it would be...

I only came across this issue now, but this has been a big massive rock in my shoe for a long time. It's virtually impossible to work on some higher...

It's common to have a public title and an internal key. When you provide `name` and `value` in your example, I expect one is external and one is internal. Speaking...

Thanks for providing Wallaby to the OSS community. My use case: I maintain 10+ OSS libraries that are interconnected and part of my workspace folder. Working on them in isolation...

Thanks, that's correct AFAIK. Feel free to close this if it's not on the roadmap.

That sounds amazing! If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. 🙂

Any news on this? Still happy to help.