Jakob Rosenberg

Results 72 comments of Jakob Rosenberg

@onumahkalusamuel sorry I only saw your issue now. Do you have a route named `take-me-home`? By named I mean a file with the following metadata: ``` ```

After some further debugging this seems to be what causes the flaky behavior: ```javascript const module = await import(path).then(r => r.default) ``` Omitting either the `await` or the `then` fixes...

@ahnpnl could you try this snippet in watch mode. If it doesn't fail on first test, try hit enter to trigger another test. ```javascript test('test1', async () => { const...

@SimenB would you be able to take a look at @feugy 's reproductible, https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/11438#issuecomment-910031145.

Seeing as we're probably going to be stuck with this bug for a while, does anyone have a workaround?

Fixed with by changing glob to `**/*.internal-test.js`

I noticed this inconsistency. Not sure if this is by design or a bug. To err on the side of caution, I'll reopen the issue. ```javascript import picomatch from "picomatch";...

I ran into this bug too. Is this the proposed workaround? (taken from the readme) ```javascript const format = str => str.replace(/^\.\//, ''); const isMatch = picomatch('foo/*.js', { format });...

I'm for at least adding the option to bundle the serviceworker. Since it's generated on build it doesn't belong in `src` , but it doesn't belong in `build` either since...

> If you'd prefer not to write to /tmp/, you could output from esbuild directly to your build directory, and then use that path for both the swSrc and swDest...