SparkleShare icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Share and collaborate by syncing with any Git repository instantly. Linux, macOS, and Windows.

Results 109 SparkleShare issues
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### What happened: Sparkleshare crashed on startup, every time. The error in the crash report ended with this after the backtrace: sparkleshare System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.Parameter name: uriString ###...

debug_log_2019_05_18.1.txt : 12:04:13 | Fetcher | /home/me/SparkleShare/.tmp/project1 | Fetching folder: ssh://[email protected]/myid/project1 12:04:13 | Auth | Fetching host key for 12:04:13 | Cmd | ssh-keyscan -t rsa -p 22

hi, i tried this software it is an alternative to Dropbox, It really helps Im trying to install it on Windows but i'm facing error ,It doesn't arrive to locate...


the logs don't really give anything useful everything appears to work properly there Versions: - Void Linux: kernel 4.19.36_1 - SparkleShare: whatever version is out as of the date of...


With the introduction of Apple's [Gatekeeper]( in Lion, unsigned apps downloaded from the Internet can no longer be executed. The two possible workarounds (disabling Gatekeeper in Settings or pressing Control...


While starting Sparkleshare it is stopping or hanging while executing git ps axf 32247 pts/0 Sl 0:00 \_ mono /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sparkleshare/SparkleShare.exe 32268 pts/0 SLl 0:00 \_ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/webkit2gtk-4.0/WebKitWebProcess 4 20 32269 pts/0...

Versions later than 1.5.1 crash on startup on MacOS 10.11 Update: Appears similar to some crashes in the comments on issue #1843 ### Version 3.28.0 ``` [....] 11:25:01 Environment |...

![sparkleshare_problem]( and yes that is the sparkleshare process or I wouldn't be posting here. tbh it's really the only mono process I run... this just occurred over night I have...

I try to setup a Bitbucket repository but get an error . Compiled address --> ssh://[email protected]// Real addess --> ssh://[email protected]:/ P.S,: Same error with github

On, the download link to the windows version still points to version 1.4: but version 1.5 for windows is available, so it should be: